
Our story

We founded the pStyle Company in 2006 to bring the pStyle to the people. Stand-to-pee devices have come a long way since then, but they are not yet mainstream. We hope to see the day when they will be as common and accepted as a toothbrush.

Our own experience and that of our customers is a testament to the power of the pStyle to change lives. From Antarctica to our own backyards, on the trail or on the job, we’re drinking more water and not worrying about where to go.

pStyle enthusiasts have amazed and inspired us for the past 18 years! We respond to every email we get whether its a question, suggestion, or love letter, so please keep writing to us.

- the pStyle team


At pStyle we believe that a truly free society does not dictate our personal medical decisions, who we make our families with, our occupations, hobbies, fashion, or urination choices based on sex or gender. Our work is in service to the dream of a truly free society.

Our mission

- To promote the comfort, health, and safety of women, non-binary, and trans people.

- To reduce waste with reusable products.

- To do business in ways that are informed by intersectional feminist ethics and sustainability.