Recycled Ocean Plastic
What do you do when adventure and nature call – at the same time? The pStyle is a Personal Urination Device (PUD) that allows women, non-binary folks, and trans men to stand and pee while fully clothed.
As PEEvangelized in NYT Magazine
...With one of these devices tucked into my purse, there’s no need to touch the filthy surface of a truck-stop toilet ever again. “But what if I touch my pee?” one friend squealed. “Just try it,” I told her. “It’s revolutionary.” - Melissa Hart
What’s a pStyle?
Sometimes known as an STP (stand-to-pee device), or a PUD (personal urination device), the pStyle is a simple design that works exceptionally well. Made from rigid plastic, the pStyle is easily maneuvered through clothing without removing gear like backpacks and climbing harnesses. The unique funnel shape directs urine away from the body.Many users find wiping with the rounded back edge reduces or eliminates the need for toilet paper.